The first all-in one ambient AI Health Hub is here

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Nobert health devices use AI-driven sensor and hardware to help people quickly, automatically and accurately understand key data about their bodies

As one of the only products that is medical grade, fully contactless and accurately senses all key vital signs and other advanced metrics, the Norbert device is changing the way healthcare services are delivered across all environments.

Purpose built for medical applications, the Norbert device is delivering critical capabilities that improve workflows, data reliability and efficiency, and patient and staff satisfaction.

Contactless Vital Signs with Medical grade accuracy
Distance of 3 ft. within 20 seconds
Cognitive Function
Call bell triage
EMR connect
Respiratory Rate and Heart Rate Variability

Get Norbert Today.

Whether accelerating the patient check-in process at a hospital, monitoring vitals remotely at home, or revolutionizing care through contactless health data sensing, Norbert is the easiest and fastest way to scan the vital signs that matter most.